Live-Meeting: "How our paediatricians support your child‘s treatment."

  • Whether you are at the Eating School or doing tube weaning / treatment from home – our paediatricians are there to keep your child safe. There is a plethora of fears that can accompany a tube wean or treatment for an eating problem: fear of weight loss, fear of loss of control over calories and fluids. But side effects such as vomiting, diarrhoea, and constipation also need to be monitored and treated.
  • Our paediatricians have extensive experience and have supported many children over the past several decades. They developed the "Graz Model", a treatment approach that became a model for colleagues, parent groups, and institutions.
  • In our latest live Q&A on the 27th of September 2023 at 8:00 CET, our head paediatricians and founders of the Graz Model, Professor Marguerite Dunitz-Scheer, MD and Professor Peter Scheer, MD, shared their perspectives and were available for questions. We are excited to have you participate in this event!

Watch the recording here

  • At NoTube, we treat children with oral aversion or feeding/eating disorders as well as children who need to be weaned from their feeding tubes.
  • Also, if you would like to book a Free Evaluation to see if your child is eligible for one of our programs, please click on the following link:SIGN UP FOR YOUR FREE EVALUATION!

Your NoTube Team
